Monday: Nmbers11.1-14.25 Please Pass the Meat
This week we will be reading about an interesting aspect of the covenant in that the people were always grumbling. You would think that after God had saved them from the Egyptians they would be a happy and thankful lot. Not so. Our human ability to pick, pick at the tender spots and always want things to go our way is as old as humanity. Enjoy this back and forth between Moses and the Lord. Look for who says, “Until it comes out your nose.”
Tuesday: Numbers 17 Flowering Staff
God is again going to show the people the power with which they are dealing. What does an Almond flower look like anyway? They all thought they were going to die. Perhaps this mean they were all complaining also?
Do you ever grumble or complain? To whom? About what?
Wednesday: Numbers 20 Thirsty People
Moses gets in big trouble with God. So much trouble that God will not allow Moses to enter the promised land. What did he do wrong? It seems Moses hit his stick on a rock to give the people water. It must be the action of not waiting for God to offer what the people need that was a problem. In verse 12 the Lord talks about Moses not trusting enough to allow God to act in due time. This could be bad for us today, as we grumble and complain and hit about everything in sight to get our way. Maybe we need to rethink all we have as being a gift and sign from God as well.
Thursday: Numbers 22 A Talking DonkeyAnd you thought Shrek had the first talking donkey. In fact it is the Lord who speaks through the donkey. Read the passage and hear God speaking to you.
Friday: Numbers 27.12-23 A Good Day for JoshuaThe next leader of the nation is commissioned. Moses’ work is through and he has Joshua before the priest and the people where they prayerfully lay hands on Joshua and take him as their new leader.
Saturday: John 4.7-42 An Invitation to Abundant Life
The story of the Samaritans and Jesus strikes an interesting reflection against the previous reading of this week. As you read this wonderful story of grace and hope, consider this living water and how it is given and received. What is stranger, hitting a rock in the wilderness and getting water, a talking donkey, or a man who walks into our lives forgives all sin and offers new life? If you were to send a postcard from each of the places and days in our readings this week, what would each postcard say? See you Sunday.
Sunday: Reflect and Worship
Sermon Scripture: Numbers 20.13
Sermon Title: “Postcards from Traveling with the Family”