Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Daily Reading Leading to December 4, 2005


Isaiah 42:1-9            The Song of the Servant
Is the servant in this passage the nation of Israel or is this a look forward to the Messiah?  Some think both are true.  In either case, God is surely understood as powerful and active.
Psalm 22            Psalm of Deliverance
When Jesus was on the cross this is one of the passages he quoted.  Take a look at verse one, then read the whole Psalm aloud.
Matthew 5               The Beatitudes
This first section of the sermon on the mount is know to us as the beatitudes.  One preacher has called these the “Be-Attitudes.”  Try this on!
Matthew 6-7            Sermon on the Mount
Christ has a lot to say when preaching up on that hill.  Much of our understanding of our life in Christ comes from this wonderful sermon.
Galatians 5                 The Nature of Our Call
The result of our life in Christ is our faith expressed through loving deeds.
Luke 4:16-43                   Christ: The Transformer
Jesus makes quite a mess of his homecoming.  He has things stirred up and people more than just talking.  I can only imagine what his mother must have been saying to him about his behavior.  It seems the local folks remember him as a boy and probably still chuckle about the story his mother used to tell about Jesus’ miracle birth.  Now it gets really weird for the hometown as he proclaims he is the Messiah.
Jesus is saying he is not coming to help things move along a little better, work more smoothly, or stay steady on the path.  Instead Jesus is talking total makeover, a total transformation.  Everything is about to change, and he is the change agent.  Powerful, Unsettling, Moving!

Sunday: Reflect and Worship
Scripture: Luke 4:16-30           
Sermon Title: “Transformers

Monday, November 21, 2005

Scripture Reading for Sunday Nov. 27, 2005


John 1:1-18                         Before the Birth
In the beginning reminds us of Genesis and of all things before God created.  This passage offers that Jesus was with God and had a part in creation from the very beginning.  Beautifully written, this is a wonderful passage upon which to meditate.
Isaiah 53:1-12                       The Servant Song
As you read consider Jesus Christ in every verse.  
Hebrews 8                    The New Covenant
Read about Jesus and our covenant.  Now Pray!
Matthew 27:1-54                     The End of Life
The death of Jesus Christ was painful.  Couldn’t God have figured another way?  And yet, Jesus is God and takes the sin of the world so that we might have salvation and everlasting life.  Any offering we could give had the potential of being easily corrupted.  Only an offering from God, of God, would be good enough.  See the love?
John 18                          The End of Life II
We need another witness to offer another testimony of what happened.  Here is John’s.
John 19 & 20  The Significance of Jesus’ Death
An odd reading for this time of year, perhaps.  We are much more comfortable with this reading at Easter.  What could the death of Jesus have to do with Christmas?  Even more important; what does Jesus’ death have to say to us in the midst of our preparing for the baby Jesus’ birth?  The short answer is: Everything.  For the long answer: Read the entire Bible.  We will go with the short answer Sunday focus deeply on the love of God.  
From the humble birth in a stable to an even more humbling death upon a cross, we find meaning in both events.  Placing the beginning and what appears to be an ending side by side we make a life changing discovery.  It is about love.  It is all about love!

Sunday: Reflect and Worship
Scripture: John 19:26-28 & 20:11-18          
Sermon Title: “It’s About Love

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Scriptures Leading to Sunday November 20, 2005


Luke 1                  The Birth of John & Jesus
Read this orderly account of Jesus’ birth.  Find Mary’s song to God and consider the wonderment of this miracle birth offering hope.
Isaiah 25             Psalm of Thanksgiving
When finished reading, make your personal list of the wonderful things God has done for you.  
Isaiah 26               Song of Victory
Have you seen the majesty of the Lord in your life?  What does it mean to await God’s victory?  
Colossians 1- 2        Christ and Our Response
Christ takes the supreme position life and Paul is offering a grace filled vision of Jesus for all people but particularly for the young church in Colossae as they continue to seek God.
Colossians 3- 4            The Christian Life
We read about putting on the life of Christ like putting on a garment of clothing.  This passage offers instruction into the way of Christ Jesus.  Does anything here surprise you or offend you?
Colossians 1:13-23     Jesus Christ Above All
Have you been rescued?  Paul says so.  He believes we have been transferred from the pit of darkness to the light of the kingdom.  We find we have forgiveness and redemption in this new kingdom.  What could be better?  Do you know this love, this power to save?  
If you do, then what is your response?  The church will be receiving the pledges for 2006 this Sunday.  I remind us all of God’s need to have all of our lives, not just our time, not just our energy, not just our money.  A right response to God should be one of total offering.  Everything is God’s and all in our possession should be offered in return.  Along with Paul, we shall become servants of this gospel vs23.

Sunday: Reflect and Worship
Scripture: Colossians 1:13-23          
Sermon Title: “That’s Why We Sing

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Daily Reading Leading to Sunday November 6, 2005


Isaiah 30:1-18                      Judah Shuns God
Judah, the Southern Kingdom, attempts to find security in the world through an alliance with Egypt   But woops, Judah did not do a consult with God before attempting this alliance.  God is not happy.  
Isaiah 35                    A Vision of Zion Restored
This is a powerful vision of God’s glory restoring the exiled people with courage and hope.
Isaiah 40-42    Announcement of God’s Coming
The scene is the council of heaven, the voices come to fulfill covenant and restore God’s people.  We usually read this passage just before Christmas, see if you remember it.
Isaiah 45             God’s Charge to Cyrus
Read as the conversion of the nations unfolds.
Philippians 4:4-13               God Helps Us
This wonderful passage is like a shield of faith.  Think and spend time on things that are worthy of God.  A passage to memorize is verse 13, “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”
Isaiah 41:1-13               Assurance From God
God declares sovereign power over the nations.  Cyrus, King of Persia is dispatched from the East to return the exiled people to their promised homeland.  God is first and last; the one who has chosen us.  God offers a strong promise to strengthen and uphold God’s people.  Funny thing, the more we learn about the nature of God, the more we are able to be who we were created to be.  This passage appears to be about God, but is really about the restoration of God’s people.  Don’t we all need more than a little restoration in our lives today as well?  I think so.  We each have to risk a little to gain a lot.  What little bit is God asking of you this day?  Remember Philippians.

Sunday: Reflect and Worship
Scripture: Isaiah 41:1-13     
Sermon Title: “A Whole New Ballgame”