Thursday, January 26, 2006

A Little Closer to Home

A Little Closer  to Home…

Major changes are planned for this year at Salem UMC.  Churches are just one of many organizations who seem to enjoy throwing out verbiage like the proceeding statement without a lot of thought or energy to back up the statement.  Perhaps it helps us think about the future in positive terms.  Perhaps it allows us to consider creative resolutions to current situations experiencing little or no advancement toward our stated goal.  Perhaps we just like to hear ourselves talk.  

So, what would God say are some of the major changes taking place this summer here at Salem UMC?  
What is the Father, creator of the earth, looking forward to with hopeful excitement?  About what would Jesus Christ, our savior and redeemer who took our sin and offered life in place of death be daily checking the church website for new information?  For what is the Holy Spirit, the advocate given to remind us of everything and comfort us at all times, on the edge of busting forth with loud hosannas?  My guess is that the things we in the church are listing as major changes might only make the “B List” in the Kingdom of Heaven.

     Perhaps things like new and expanded worship services birthed through a deep searching of our need to be creative and fresh in our humble praise and adoration of God would only bring a slight glance.  Perhaps renewed focus on the construction of the Manna Center will bring a sigh or a nervous cough.  I wonder if listing and working through a list of our priorities and goals will move heaven to tears?  Will a new sign, or a focus on where we have the drum set on the chancel, or a change in role of the choirs and music groups make God’s top ten changes?

     My best guess is that the major changes this year at Salem for which Heaven will applaud will be things more like these.  Another child is fed supper by a young single mother striving to make ends meet.  A husband finds the strength and support to end his abuse of pornography and begins to repair the relationship with his wife and family.  A woman finds grace and ends her lifelong destructive relationship with food.  A hand is held.  A meal is shared.  A prayer is offered.  A new life begins from the ashes of sin and shame.  The water of baptism is offered.  The cup and bread are received by a hurting world.   With humble tears in our eyes the church acts like the body of Christ and loves the unlovable and in the process redeems another soul, now bound for glory.

     When I stop to think about it, great things, yes even major changes are taking place here at Salem UMC this year.  And you are front row and center to all God is unfolding and offering.  I can not wait.    

See You Sunday,   Dave Weesner

Daily Scripture Read for Sunday February 5, 2006

Daily Scripture Readings Leading to Sunday February 05, 2006
Zechariah 9:9-10                  The Messianic King
If we can answer one question, then I think we have a chance of understanding God’s plan for our lives.  And the question is, “Who is Jesus Christ?”

1 Corinthians 3                      We Belong to Christ
One the big flaps in the church in Corinth, and the reason for Paul sending a couple letters to them, was this issue of who was in charge.  Some say they follow one fellow, some say they follow another.  Paul offers that we all follow Christ.  Period.

John 1:1-5                                     In the Beginning
This is perhaps the most beautiful passage in all of scripture.  At least I find it to be the most poetic to my senses.  John has pretty well summed up the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in these five verses.  However he does this in a different way than we normally expect.  Our Western educated upbringing searches for facts and formulas to prove who Christ is or is not.  But John gives us a poem.  I suggest that there is no less truth in a poem than in a mathematical theory.  There is no less fact in a metaphor than in a standard equation.  This passage is like a picture; worth a thousand words.  Who has the authority to forgive sin?  Who has the authority to lead our daily lives?  Who has the authority to offer eternal life?  The answer is in the beginning.  And that is one question of truth mathematics alone will not answer.

John 1:6-34               Life With John the Baptizer
Jesus has a cousin named John (not the author of this gospel.)  John also was called by God for a very specific ministry.  John’s prophetic voice identifies Christ for us.

John 1:35-42                  Jesus, Simon and Andrew
A set of brothers is called to follow Jesus and names Jesus correctly.  Notice the reoccurring phrase, “the next day.”

John 1:36-51             Jesus, Philip and Nathanael
Once again Jesus is named by a set of brothers.  

Sunday:      Reflect and Worship
Scripture: John 1:1-5
Sermon Title: “Authority Always Wins”

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Daily Scripture Reading Leading to Sunday January 29, 2006

Daily Scripture Readings Leading to Sunday January 29, 2006
Isaiah 11:1-9                      The Messianic King
The prophet Isaiah fortells of the Messiah.  We see Jesus all over this Old Testament passage.    

Romans 8                             God Saving Acts
OK; Read this chapter over and over Three times.  Be sure you “get it.”  If not, call me; Really!

Mark 10               The Children and the Rich Man
I rather wish I had not picked this passage to preach on Sunday.  The theme of the rich man always makes me feel like I am picking on folks who may or may not deserve being picked on.  However I like the passage about the chidren being a main focus of God’s plans.  Looking deeper I find that everything ties together and this is not three or four separate stories, but is one long story with several twists.  Mark is making a point that the Kiingdom is not free and Jesus is full of wisdom and Spirit in the way he is strong and soft at the same time.  I like Jesus in this passage.  I do not always want to be the one who bears the news of hard subjects, but I like the way Jesus is disciplined and does not let his wonderful mercy gift impose on the need to be honest and truthful about the path into the Kingdom of God.  May we as gracefilled and honest in our dealings with one another.  What is more honest than the truth as best we know it.  That is where we will start on Sunday with the sermon.  Yeow!  

Mark 11                                 Palm Sunday
Follow Jesus into the city and even into the temple.  What Jesus does here is amazing; talk about your hard words.

Mark 12                  Teaching in the Last Days
So, you know you are going to die in just a few days.  Do you spend the time in idle chit-chat or are you going to be saying and doing profound things?  Yes, this is important stuff.

Mark 13                          Jesus Tells About the End
Think all the talk about end times is in the Book of Revelation?  Think again!    

Sunday:      Reflect and Worship
Scripture: Mark 10:13-27
Sermon Title: “Cornered and Angry”

Monday, January 02, 2006

Daily Scripture Readings Leading to Sunday January 15, 2006

Daily Scripture Readings Leading to
Sunday January 15, 2006
Ezekiel 34:1-31            God is the Good Shepherd
A “must read” to understand Jesus as Shepherd.

Ephesians 2                    New Life in Christ
From death to life is the kingdom path.  Funny, that is just the opposite of our earthly lives.

Mark 1                                         Jesus Begins
From John the Baptist to Jesus’ early activity, Mark tells only the basic, important details.  Be sure and read some background on the book of Mark.  This is thought to be the first or earliest gospel written.

Mark 2                      Early Days of Ministry
Begin to notice how Jesus is always acting out his ministry, not only talking.  He is also verbally attacked for his actions.  When was the last time you were attatcked for doing something?  Anything.  Seems the gospel is always asking us to take risks for which we may have to pay some kind of price.  If you have never been attacked, perhaps you need to consider following Christ a little more boldly.  And if you find yourself verbly attacking someone for their actions; well there is a sermon here also.
Mark 3                                 Deal or no Deal
Jesus chooses the disciples and changes the definition of family for all of us.

Mark 4 - 5                         Jesus Acting Like Jesus
Now we are deep into Jesus acting like God and folks really responding.  This teaching in parables thing must have been wild.  I mean today we try to communicate as clearly as possible and here is God hiding what  He is saying.  The few He has chosen have to get a remedial class to figure out what He is trying to say.  Of course they don’t really get it anyway.  There is always this outsider/insider thing in Marks account of Jesus ministry.  
Another curious thing is the insiders are really the outsiders and vice versa.  Perhaps this is still true today as I see a lot of non-church folks who really get after caring for their neighbors needs.  Then I look and see a bunch of church folks complaining and even arguing about issues which really don’t add to very much in the Kingdom of God.  Maybe we need to be acting up a little more than we do.  

Sunday:      Reflect and Worship
Scripture: Mark 4:1-9, 26-41
Sermon Title: “Acting Up”