Scripture Readings Leading to
Sunday March 25, 2007
Where Angles Fear to Tread: The Boldness of Christ
John 18 Jesus and the Cross
The cross is the focus for all the boldness of Jesus. The cross defines Jesus. The cross defines the followers of Jesus. Jesus moves over the line when he chooses the cross over personal safety. Yes, Jesus chose the cross. The way Jesus spoke to the people who had control over his life assured him a cruel death. Even the angels could not stop this. They must have wept and looked away. You would too. “Surely this was the Messiah, the Christ,” exclaimed the centurion at the foot of the cross.
Boldness can be in our actions as well as our speech. Jesus displayed both. As you review the passage, notice how often Jesus is simply silent. Recall the occasions in your life when the bold thing, the correct thing, would have been to be silent. Next, consider the words of Christ as he moves closer to the cross. Jesus words are combative, yet detached, in a good and righteous stance. The Christ is choosing the cross. Nothing about Jesus death haunts as deeply as this fact. He chose to die for the sin of the world.
Actions can be bold and communicate with more power and clarity than the spoken word. Consider the symbol of the cross in our lives, in the sanctuaries of our churches, representing the action of the Christ. We put a symbol of death and agony in the midst of our worship. We focus on the cross. We sing our love for the cross. Then we wonder why worldly folks think us fools or mindless. At least, we must recognize the bold action of Christ represents something wilder and without limits. This action is so bold, so other, that transformation becomes reality. Our lives represent something bold, something wild, without boundaries.
Let go of fear and trembling, God has entered the world and is doing a new thing, moving us just a little closer to home.
See you Sunday! Dave Weesner
Sunday Worship
Scripture: John 18:19-24, 28-40
Sermon Title: “Over the Line”