Read: Mark 6 Third of Seven Sermons in the Series: Investigating Jesus
What did Jesus see? This simple question, like the others in this series, appears simple but can quickly become complex. Resist the temptation to get too theological too quickly. We will get there; but attempt to say focused on the Biblical Jesus for right now.
Scripture is full of accounts of Jesus seeing people and situations. He first sees the heavens open and the Spirit descending upon him like a dove. Mark records this as private revelation, while Matthew offers a more public viewing. Jesus sees the crowds and has compassion upon them, he sees the disciples and calls them to follow. Jesus sees individual after individual and heals them. He also sees human hypocrisy and vanity balanced against his experiences of faith and grace.
One might conclude that Jesus saw just about everything and everybody. We find comfort in this “big picture” view, after all this is God. “But did Jesus see me?” we ask ourselves. We want, no demand, a savior who sees and knows all things and situations, however, our post modern, pre-Christian, North American worldview faith also demands that Jesus sees me, knows my inward parts, and relates to me on a very personal level. What we find may both bless and trouble us.
Book: The Gospels are our primary source for this information. Try reading the Gospel of Mark this week. Be aware of key words such as looked, saw, perceived, and understood.
And Yes, I believe we can move just a little closer to home.
Blessings, Dave Weesner
Sunday Worship
Scripture: Mark 6:30-52
Sermon Title: “What Jesus Saw”