Saturday, April 07, 2012

Easter Soul

What if a soul, your soul, was somehow separated from you.  Sort of like it was lost from you.  Oh you still had a soul but it was difficult for you to put a handle on the thing.  Every once in a while you and your soul would connect and it would be wonderful, or not so wonderful, but in any case for just a bit you would know you were more.   You would feel something stirring in you and know things unknowable; unexplainable.  Think previenent here; something happening on our behalf before we are even aware.

What if Easter, the Christian celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, was is fact a celebration of the restoration of your soul back to you.  What if along with the Christ, you also came alive in a way unexplainable unthinkable.  I think this may be exactly what Easter is for us.  Think justification here; a being put right even though we are not even close to perfect.

I also believe that as we regain our souls we eventually find they are too much for us to bear, too difficult to carry, too complex to maintain for any human.  We can only offer them back to God, but not in defeat, rather in celebration, because God will hold them for us and allow us contact with our souls at any time we chose.  Kind of like working on the cloud; literally.  Prayer and mediation do this work for us of reconnecting ourselves to ourselves.  I believe in prayer which molds us further into who we are, not the kind which gives us something we think we may want.  Think sanctification here; a going on to perfection by the grace of God, we are reconnected and molded to be our created selves.

I like thinking of my soul as being in God's presence even while I know I am not yet fully.  Someday will be soon enough, however in the days until then, we get a soul which can lead, confound, and direct our steps.  Sounds like grace; sounds like Easter.

Picture in this Blog post is titled: A Soul to Heaven by William - Adolphe Bouguereau