Saturday, October 01, 2005

Sermon for Sunday Oct 2

Micah 6:6-8 “Re-Acquired”

In the midst of lives tossed by a succession of rapid-fire deadly storms,
with un-thinkable destruction an almost daily occurrence,
faced with decisions on issues which did not even exist just months before…

We want to know…
What must living the Christian Life, today, look like?
What does it take in 2005 for us to “Get Right” with God?
Micah dares ask: What does God require from us?
What do you want God?

Micah - (Who is like Yahweh?)
Prophet from 8th Century BCE – Lived at the same time as the prophet Isaiah
Time of swift and sweeping change in world events
Assyria – has overthrown Israel, the Northern Kingdom
Refuges have overflowed into Jerusalem swelling the city beyond capacity
Time of Growing Division between Wealthy and Poor
Increased armaments and fortification to defend the country furthers the division
Injustice and lack of concern for the under-privileged is common place
The People of God are lacking in actions of basic piety and theological reflection
The religion of choice is of greed and self-service

The prophet Micah speaks a word from God in the midst of this time of incredible change.
Some familiar quotes from Micah:
Promise of a time of peace when nations will, “beat their swords into plowshares.” (4:3)
Prophesy of a new ruler to come from the town of Bethlehem (5.2)
Response to what the Lord requires, today’s reading, (6.6-8)

Micah is clear that
1. There is great sin in the Land and God is not pleased.
2. God will have to “deal with” this sin somehow.
There likely will be punishment involved for those who “have not/will not” return to the Lord their God.

So, What does The Lord require - from God’s people?
How can this punishment be avoided?
What can we:
offer to “Make it Right”?
do to become righteous? Can we ever be “Good Enough?”

Should we offer some sort of religious service to honor God?
Should we give ridiculous amounts of offerings?
(Thousands of rams or Ten Thousand Rivers of oil)
Should we sacrifice something, even human sacrifice?

What does Micah say the Lord requires: A Right Relationship with God
To Do Justice,
Love Kindness,
and Walk Humbly with your God
Doing Justice implies that people’s behavior toward each other will change.
No longer will folks offer or accept a station in life without grace and hope
No longer will society trap segments of the working population into financial and moral ghettos.
No longer will the hand-out be solicited as a acceptable way of life because of the demoralizing and dehumanizing qualities of a life lived in a state of constant welfare.

Doing Justice means there will be something required.

Simply put: We will ALL be held accountable before God for our actions toward our neighbors.

MICAH also calls the people to (Hebrew: (Ahab Hesed)) Love Kindness.

Hesed – translated Kindness
has to do with love, loyalty, and faithfulness
this is the KEY element in relationships
To love this relationship is to Love as God loved Israel. More than self, willing to sacrifice self.

Our relationships will be motivated by our love
Not by a misguided sense of obligation to the law or covenant
The law and the covenant represents (Reflects) the Love of Kindness

GOD DOES NOT demand loyalty by holding the covenant over our heads like a carrot on a string.

The covenant is never maintained
by a complacent subscribing to the rote practice of right doctrine.

Were not our hearts on fire as he (Jesus) spoke to us on the road? The pair from Emmaus exclaimed in Luke 24.

Micah goes on to offer that the people of God must also: WALK Humbly with Your God
Perhaps the key word here is to WALK with God
We usually gloss over the walking and go right to the humble pie. We like to think that if we are just “Nice People.” That is all God wants. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

God wants God’s people to Go with God, Walk with God, Talk with God.

God wants Relationship.
Constant, Ongoing, Conversational, Walking along through life together RELATIONSHIP.

OH!! Did I Say God wants this? That is incorrect.

God does not “simply want” this relationship.
God REQUIRES this relationship.

How do we get “there (Micah 6.8) from here?”
FOR LIFETIME: Gather, Grow, Go
FOR TODAY – RIGHT NOW: Prayer, Forgiveness, Communion.

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