Thursday, December 15, 2005

SCRIPTURE READINGS Leading to Sunday Decembe 25, 2005

SCRIPTURE READINGS for Sunday December 25, 2005

Luke 1                                       Jesus Family
Luke is writing a careful and accurate account of the ministry of Jesus the Christ.  We start with John the Baptist and gain an understanding of Jesus’ extended family relationships.
Luke 2                      The Birth of Christ
Do not be afraid.  Read on about the birth of Jesus and his life as a child.
Matthew 1:18-2:23              Matthew’s Version
From the Birth to the Wise Men to Herod’s murder of the children, we read the beginning of the Good News from another point of view.
Isaiah 9:1-7                   Vision of a Savior
Light and life are predicted by Isaiah.  Read what Isaiah says the Christ will accomplish.  
Philippians 3:1-4:7                    Press On
The baby has accomplished Isaiah’s predictions.  Paul offers proof and power for living.
Luke 2:1-20             Again, The Birth of Christ     
Consider that this new birth, the baby Jesus, is a offering of God to the world.  Creation is enhanced, a new version of the old program has been introduced into the world.  Above the groans of a world filled with pain and trouble sings this new song of hope and peace.  We can almost feel the power of the radiant birth.  The child with this humble beginning is the high King of Heaven and we are all the subjects of this new reality.  Everything is new.  Words fail us, yet even the animals understand what cannot be spoken.  In one miracle followed by another we open our hearts and sing forth the glory of the promise which this new birth brings to the broken world.  Every song sings life.  Only, always life.

Sunday: Reflect and Worship
Scripture: Luke 2:1-20     
Sermon Title: “Songs of Life”

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