Friday, April 21, 2006

Daily Scripture Reading for Sunday April 30, 2006

Daily Scripture Readings Leading to
Sunday April 30, 2006
Acts 3:1-26                 Peter Heals a Crippled Man
The power Peter is using is the same power we have available today.  Jesus is at the center of this powerful witness.  Father, Son, Holy Spirit

Luke 24:36b-43         Having Fish w/ the Disciples
Maybe the central point is that Jesus was eating a piece of fish.  This is the resurrected Jesus, not some ghost guy from outer space.  He was real, alive, and eating.  That has to be worth something.

Psalms 4:1-8                                     Trusting God
Like last week this is also one of the shortest Psalms.  It is only eight verses.  READ IT!!

Luke 24:44-48                         Jesus Speaks
After Jesus eats some fish he begins to share with the disciples the ways that these events have fulfilled scripture.  Jesus encourages them to wait for the completion of the promise which God will send.  We know that day as Pentecost.      

1 John 3:1-3                              Children of God
One line really caught my eye.  It was verse two, “for we shall all be changed.”  I use this verse in almost every funeral service.  “What we shall be has not yet been revealed.  But we know we are going to be like Him.”  Is that enough for us?  I think not some days.  We want to be in control of our days and our future.  We want to know, like planning for retirement.  We can try to be ready but we will not know fully until that time comes.  So there comes the rub.  If you are not choosing & planning where you are going you will end up where you are headed.  Simply put, choose your future.  The form of our lives is in God’s hands, the freedom to choose is ours.

1 John 3:4-7                                      No Sin in Christ
So sin is lawlessness.  And we are speaking of the kingdom laws here, the Big Ten.  The author calls us little children in verse seven.  How many times I have thought about the ways we act just like children when things go right, or things go wrong.  What does it mean to grow in the Spirit of God?  How we might act differently today?

Sunday:      Reflect and Worship
Scripture: 1John 3:1-7
Sermon Title:  “Well, I’ll Be”

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