Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Thoughts for October 01, 2006

Scripture Readings Leading to
Sunday October 01, 2006
Luke 9:10-17                       God’s Hospitality
Luke 14:15-24                     Jesus, Banquet             

Have you ever been really, really hungry and somebody offered you some food?  Have you ever been really, really lonely and someone offered you conversation or a place to belong, even if just for a little while?  Have you ever been frustrated and confused by the events of the day and needed a new vision of grace to move you back onto the correct path?  I have been there.  My guess is that as you are honest and take a moment to consider your experience, you have encountered each of these situations as well.  This is life being lived out.  Life is not always sanitary or pretty or happy, but life does offer possibilities at every bend and eternal opportunities to rethink and be renewed.  Life is a gift from God and contains the gunk, but also the glory.  And daily we get to choose our path.

This wonderful story of Jesus feeding the five thousand is a little vision of heaven on earth.  We might see the hospitality of God in the small groups gathered on the grass.  We can be sure there are groups that have invited the widow or lonely individual to join their fellowship.  We can be sure of the laughter and conversation taking place.  There is sharing and caring moving among the circles.  The invitation is clear, powerful, and instructional.  It is also addictive.  As we gather in the circles we find we yearn for more of this friendship.

We may also see the hospitality of God offered though the simple meal of loaves and fish.  We may see a hungry world feeding upon God’s grace, much like a baby feeds upon the mother’s breast.  That which is needed is offered and received with humility and thanksgiving.  The action of the giver is greater than the gift received but is not offered so as to be placed above the other.  The gift is offered simply because the gift exists and the action of hospitality is possible.  

There is no motive or hidden agenda other than to offer grace.  There is only hospitality and a needy world.  I do not think it can become more simple.  The kingdom of God is a place where what is available is offered without reservation.  And when I begin to act in this way, with this hospitality leading my decisions, I know I am just a little closer to home.     Blessings,  Dave Weesner
Sunday Worship
Scripture: Luke 9:10-17
Sermon Title: “A Dinner Party”

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