Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Readings Leading to Aug 12, 2007

John 14 & 15 The True Vine

Jesus is offering final instructions to the disciples in these two chapters. He is clarifying some things that are easily misunderstood. One of theses clarifications is the route we must take to get to our Father God. Within this passage is the idea of going home and finding our final place of being with God. Others find this passage as offering a route for salvation. Your reading and understanding may vary, but Jesus is being clear about one thing.

Jesus tells us, “I am,” reminding us of God speaking to Moses through the burning bush. God said, “I am who I am.” so this seemingly unimportant little, “I Am,” actually some pretty powerful insight. Jesus, one final time, reminds the disciples who he is. We hear the words spoken to Thomas in our own lives. We affirm with the disciples that God is alive, Jesus is God. There is much more in just this one verse (the way, the truth, the life) that offers even more power into our lives to live in the presence of this risen God and move every day just a little closer to home.

Blessings, Dave Weesner

Sunday Worship
Scripture: John 14:6
Sermon Title: “No One”

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