Thursday, July 17, 2008

Notes for Sunday July 27, 2008

Read: Luke 6:17-31 Biblical Mythbusters: Money is Not Important

Jesus spoke more about money than any other single thing. Jesus taught about our love of money and the need we have to let go of greed and treat our neighbors like we would treat ourselves.

Unfortunately, I find the church offering thoughts like, “Money is not important” or “Money is the root of all evil.” Yet money is so central to our lives that Jesus talked about our relationship with money non-stop. Lets be clear that money is not evil. Rather in 1 Timothy 6:10 we read it is the love of money which is a cancer in our souls. Money is quite important. However, money is not the Lord our God and we should not worship money and the possessions it affords.

The problem for us is that we must live in the world using money on a daily basis, while shunning a dysfunctional relationship with the idea of wealth. We have to use money to live, however, we must not make money our primary focus or vision for our lives.

Most folks, even in the church, have money as the number one God. Money directs our thinking and our giving. Our missions take a backseat to our pocketbook. What would a proper financial response to God look like? Would we only give when we hear the church needs money? Would we only give when hearts are touched by a tragedy? Or would we place God first in line and openly give a sacrificial-graceful offering because God has blessed us beyond anything 90% of the rest of world would even begin to believe?

Jesus talked more about money than any other single thing. I wonder if anyone is listening?

Worship This Week
Scripture: Luke 6:17-31 NRSV
Sermon Title: “Money is Not Important”

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