Thursday, September 18, 2008

Notes for Sunday September 28, 2008

Read: Ecclesiastes 3

Your son or daughter has gone to college, joined the military, or just moved out of the house into their own apartment. You find yourself in a new place in life. Others have walked this path before; they have named it the “Empty Nest.” All you know is that your gut is tied in knots and you weep, at the drop of a hat, like you have lost your best friend.

The empty nest is real. As we care for and love our children, we also send them off and grieve the distance we experience in this new season in our relationship. What does God have to say about this particular place in life? I am looking to the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes which speaks of relationships and seasons. I find that what is good in one season may not be so good in the next. What is appropriate in one season many times lacks any function in a new season. And so it goes that we must reconsider our lives in the midst of a new day. Any change of children in the home places us into a new and sometimes emotionally difficult season.

This sermon is designed particularly for one entering this season of change. I expect a powerful service with deeply felt emotions and feelings. This is a wonderful time to invite a friend or neighbor who may be experiencing some type or change or new season in their life.

Worship Next Week
Scripture: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
Sermon Title: “The Empty Nest”

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