Thursday, October 02, 2008

It is Fall

I rate fall as one of my favorite seasons. It has color and crisp feeling frosty mornings. It comes right after summer and I tend to get bored with summer after a while. Green, green, green. How many green and growing days in a row can a guy take? I like my late summer tomato’s however. And the entire gardens produce. I will miss the smell of an early morning summer showers and the wonder of full summer sunsets. Yes, summer is good too, one of my favorites. Spring now there is a strange season. Mud everywhere and the weather is so unpredictable that I never know what to wear for sure. Spring has flowers shooting through the last snow, and an explosion of new life colors upon the bare landscape of grey dull winter. Spring is one of my favorite seasons. Winter is hard, cold, and basic. Survive or else. The snow can be so brutal and unforgiving. But have you ever noticed that when those cold hard storms come, they are also breathtakingly beautiful? I like to get cozy and rest during a winter storm. For sure, winter is also one of my favorite seasons. But this is fall; and did I tell you it is one of my favorite seasons?

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