Thursday, February 26, 2009

Notes for Sunday March 08, 2009

Read: Genesis 17:1-7, Romans 4:13-25, Mark 8:31-38 Following Calls

One of the best things about living here by the church for the past nine years has been the birds. As spring approaches the Cardinals begin calling to one another from the tops of all these beautiful pines. Cheryl and I have found there are at least three sets of Cardinals who live here year around. But it is at this particular time each year that they seem to become more vocal in their calling to one another. We enjoy hearing them calling back and forth from the church to the parsonages, then back to the church. It is like music from heaven to us.

When I was a child my father used to call the cows to follow as he would feed or water them. I remember that try as I might, they would only look at me. The cows did not know my voice as one to be trusted or one who would supply their needs. Dad used to laugh and tell me that as I became older they would recognize my voice and follow. He was right.

God has called to people from the beginning of time. I like to imagine it is much like our use of cell phones today. Some of us answer every call, while others look to see who it is before we answer, a few walk around with the phone turned off, life is all “voice mail” to these individuals. How is God calling you? Do you know God’s voice? How have you responded?

One day this week I was rushing from the parsonage to the church, with my mind going a hundred miles an hour, when I stopped in the middle of the parking lot. All of a sudden it occurred to me the birds were singing.

Scripture: Mark 8:31-38
Sermon: “Following Calls”

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