An insight or random thought which might move us a little closer to home.
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Sunday Sermon: Genesis 21:1-7 “Going All In” May 29, 2005
I am worried this poker explosion, which appears so acceptable, is a free advertisement for evil. We now are experiencing a large and growing youth gambling problem. It is not unusual to hear of high school students owing amounts up to $500 to classmates; money lost during poker games. Texas Hold ‘em is so popular and so easy to play that we have accepted it is as normal to our society. When in fact, it is a game based on breaking down the other individuals personalities in an attempt to take everything from everyone. This is a dangerous game and yet the popularity of Texas Hold ‘Em is growing by leaps and bounds.
One particular play in this game is called going all in. This refers to a move which puts your whole stake in the game on the line. Either you are going to win big or you lose everything. Going All In can be the bold move of a champion, who made the right choices at the proper time, or it can also be the bold move of a fool who walks away with nothing. Just as importantly to NOT go all in, when the time is right, also has the same consequences. Going all in is a term of commitment. When one goes all in, one commits everything and holds nothing back in reserve.
I read the city swimming pools will open on Tuesday. Wow! Imagine the temperature of the water. When I enter water like that sometimes I wade in to my knees, then my thighs, then my waist, then some nut splashes water at me, then finally after I have risen my courage to the highest point, I put my head under. In just a few minutes the water feels just fine, but at first I think I am freezing. Sometimes however, I just go to the deep end and dive in. No muss, no fuss, just go all in.
Abraham and Sarah have gone all in by following God in Covenant TWO ways. And they have dived in, no “frady-cat” wading around for them. First, they have put their whole lives on the line by moving to a new place where they are living as strangers in a strange land. And they have moved to this new place because God invited them to move. Has God ever invited you to move to a new place in your life? Secondly, Abraham and Sarah have also Gone all in by having all the males circumcised as a constant reminder and witness to themselves, their families, and the society in which they live that they have committed their lives to the Lord God. Their share of the covenant with God was that they would live lives full of miracles and trust God completely in ALL things. God would in turn offer unconditional love and freedom to grow and choose.
Remember from last week that God has promised them: a home (land) and offspring (like stars in the sky and sand upon the sea shore.) Both of which they do not possess and both are in reality, quite impossible. But with God all things are possible and these things came true.
Sarah gives birth to baby Isaac while in her 90”s. They lived lives full of Miracles.
Abraham was willing to offer Isaac as a sacrifice to God. They trusted God completely in all things.
The Bible is story after story of God forgiving and loving unconditionally. No where more powerful than Jesus’ death and resurrection for our lives. Jesus died with our sin so that we may have life.
God offers the opportunity to learn and grow from all our experiences. And we know all to well that God has given us freedom to choose good or bad. Certainly God has kept God’s side of the covenant, even unto today.
A good working definition of covenant is: When Unequal Parties agree to Unconditionally offer the full measure of their agreement, Regardless.
Covenant means both parties go all in all the time.
Example: a successful marriage is not 50/50. It is always 110/110.Both partner is giving and sacrificing for the other with out regard to their own needs. Show me a couple who gives 110/110 and I will show you a very happy couple and a pretty well adjusted family.
We need to be reminded: God loves us unconditionally and offers freedom to grow and choose. And we Trust God in all things and live as if everything is a miracle and a blessing.
Going All In on God’s covenant FEELS like a Bold Move!
In truth, we are not risking anything we will not lose anyway… You are not going to take it with you.
Think about what you would risk by fully diving in with God. None of those things are anything but a gift from God in the first place. Like wading into the swimming pool we are afraid of the unknown, we find it hard to trust God. And so there we have it… trusting God seems to be the key to this whole covenant.
We know in our heads that God loves us. We know in our heads that we need to come closer to God. We know in our heads God is the God of miracles and blessings. But we are afraid of Going All In with our Hearts. We are wading ankle deep, while we muster the courage to put our heads fully under the water.
Sadly, we have no idea when that day will be, and we have no real plan on how to get to that day.
The church, who should be leading in this process, has instead been a hand holder. We have been willing to stand along side and say nice things like,
“You are doing good by getting this far!
Some day it will just happen for you!
We are so glad you are in the pool.
What a pretty swimsuit!”
Others in the church kick water and laugh as they go off the high board at the deep end. “Look at me, they shout, see how good I am!” That does not help either. Some days I think the church has forgotten how to help others find the covenant of God in their lives.
Let me help you go all in starting today. Or at the very least what that might look like here at Salem UMC.
FIRST: Begin Trusting God with Everything
Commit our Life to Christ – Surrender every Day
Every day in Prayer
Commit to Regular Worship Attendance every Week
3 out of 4 Sundays
Commit to a Spiritual Growth Opportunity every Year
Short Term, Long Term or Both
Commit to a Mission Effort that Moves Your Heart every Year
Whatever - !!
Commit a Fixed Percent of your Income to God
Make your giving planned and regular – EFT soon.
SECOND: Accept God’s power to live as if everything is a miracle.
Feel the change in your attitude immediately!!
Experience the power of the Holy Spirit at work in your life.
Remember, going all in refers to a move which puts your whole stake in the game on the line. Either you are going to win big or you lose everything. Going All In can be the bold move of a champion, who made the right choices at the proper time, and it is also can be the move of a fool who walks away with nothing. Perhaps more importantly to NOT go all in, when the time is right, also has the same consequences.
Win Big or Lose Everything. It is Your Move.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
A Little Closer to Home …
The church, our church, is in the midst of a season of profound and sweeping change. It is not the basics of our faith which are changing; but how we understand and experience our faith in worship, in disciple making, and in our mission to the world around us certainly has and is changing. We are not talking about a small stream of change that if we ignore it long enough it will slow and finally stop, as if it were a new garden hose that just needs to be tightened up a little. This is a mighty river of change that has the ability to re-arrange the landscape and make all things new. A few years ago the parsonage went on to city water. The next day the water heater decided to blow a hole in the side and flood the basement. The increased pressure, the new direction of flow, and even the difference in what the water carried with it all combined to cause the leak. We had to replace the water heater, rethink the pressure levels, and remain aware of the change taking place in the water quality. So it is with the church. Much of the knowledge and expertise from the last century just does not fit today. Like it or not, we have moved to a different water source and there will be changes.
We say we want change in the church. It is even politically correct to say we want change. However the truth is we are frightened by change. “If there must be change please wait until after I die, then you can do whatever you like,” she shared with me following her husband death. Some of this is very scary; such as the increases in health care costs and small congregations who find themselves unable to remain financially healthy. Change in the church also can mean position and power will move into other hands. You know this is no small item, which by itself it can tear a church apart. And yet change is always a part of the church, Holy Scripture is the book of change. Jesus offered in John 3.7b “(We) must be born anew.” and also in 1 Corinthians 15:51 Apostle Paul offers, “51Listen, I will tell you a mystery! We will not all die, but we will all be changed.” Change is the very fabric of the life in Christ. And yet change is hard for us all.
Is there hope for the church? Yes. Because of faithful people and faithful ideas and visions the church is in the midst of re-tooling and re-focusing. The church will continue to base it’s mission to the world on Scripture, Tradition, Reason, and Experience. We will continue to study our doctrinal heritage as a source of new directions. The church has experienced significant change in the past few years and more is on the way. I offer that as your pastor, along with a willing and able body of paid and un-paid staff, together we will encounter and engage the future so that we may lead through the changes ahead with grace and humility honoring God and bringing many others into a life-transforming relationship with Jesus Christ. This ought to be fun!
Monday, May 23, 2005
One very famous set of twins named Esau and Jacob born to Isaac and Rebekah. Read about their start in life and how Jacob was the “heal grabber.” One of my favorite funny verses is 25.30 where Esau says, “Give me some of that red stuff.”
Tuesday: Genesis 27 Stealing the Blessing
This passage offers the story of Jacob deceiving his father to receive the blessing of the oldest son. Rebekah is deeply involved in this plot.
Wednesday: Hebrews 11:1, 8-39 Faith in Action
The author of Hebrews offers a recounting of some of the defining moments in the Old Testament. They make the point that these defining moments were engaged through faith.
Thursday: Hebrews 12:1-14 Run Toward Peace
How do we react to the events in the world around us offers a pretty good indication of where are hearts are focused. We are to run the good race ending in peace and joy.
Friday: Genesis 28:10-22 Jacob’s Ladder
The first of two defining moments in Jacob’s life. This dream of a ladder reaching to heaven offers Jacob a new start in life away from the “trickster” he has been. Jacob is now following a new vision of one who becomes a blessing to the nations because he has been faithful. Think about the movie, Field of Dreams and the scene where Ray hears the words, “If you build it, He will come.” Ray is asked to follow a dream without full knowledge of the outcome.
Saturday: Genesis 32:22 – 33:11 Reconciliation and Peace
This is the second of two defining moments for Jacob. He is now older and wealthy. He has family and is returning to his home land where he meets his brother Esau. Jacob is sure Esau will kill him. He has a second dream and wrestles with God all night. Jacob is given a new name, Israel, and in his meeting with Esau is shocked when his brother reconciles and wants to live in peace. Again in the movie, Field of Dreams, Ray is reconciled with his father in a game of catch. What have been the defining moments of your life? One proof is the presence of peace and joy following the experience as compared to before.
Sunday: Reflect and Worship
Sermon Scripture: Genesis 28:10-22, 32:22-33:11
Sermon Title: “Two Defining Moments”
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Sermon Notes May 22, 2005
We have a Covenant with God
When Unequal Parties Agree to Unconditionally Offer The Full Measure of Their Agreement, Regardless
Stronger, Larger – Take Care of Things, Provide Consistent Rules and Boundaries
Smaller, Weaker – Trust What You Can Not See, Live in Faith and Hope
You get what you get, and you don’t throw a fit
Parent – I Will Love Unconditionally, I Will Provide FREEDOM to Grow and Choose
Child – I Will Trust You have my best interest in mind. I Will Live as if everything is a blessing and miracle.
Einstein. Two ways to live your life: Everything is miracle, Nothing is Miracle.
Covenant starts with Creation. In the Beginning…
Bonhoffer: We always view the Beginning from the End, while we are caught in the middle.
We know Jesus Christ will overpower everything, even death at the end.
Our view of everything is from this perspective. Even the creation of the world. John 1
In the midst of life we are existing in-between, in need of Covenant.
(seems odd we claim to know more about the end than the beginning,
perhaps God is telling us the end is more important,
and yet the beginning offers insight into the middle – Covenant)
Who caused creation? God – There is No Belief in God Outside of Creation
We are a people of the Book – Scripture Tells us God Created 1In the beginning when God created
We believe the Scripture is Holy, the very Word of God, We Believe Scripture says God created.
Scripture is full of Creation Stories, From the first beginnings to Noah on through to the New Testament when Jesus offers new birth. “New Creation”
Creation is not a one time event, Creation continues until it stops at the end. God Says When.
Jesus Said, I am the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last…
How did God Create? Scripture Does Not Say. Story Tells Why, not How!!!!!!!!
What caused creation? Why did God create?
God purpose was to create goodness 31God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good.
Love – God created in love, for love, to love.
Hardest part of creation is love. Any other answer will do.
I Struggle With Love: Because I Live in the Middle and I Struggle with the Middle
Life is Not Easy.
Created Goodness and Freedom to Choose Causes Problems, Big Problems. Sin & Death
I Need A COVENANT ! Good News is that God Offers a Covenant.
What about evil? Did God Create Evil?
God Created Good: Freedom to choose is inherent in Goodness.
There is no Love Apart from Real Freedom. Freedom to think, to feel, to choose, Even Choose Poorly.
You get what you get, and you don’t throw a fit – COVENANT Based in Creating Love
God – I Love you Unconditionally, I offer Freedom to Grow and Choose
Me – I Trust You, I Live As If…everything is a blessing and a miracle
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
A Prayer for You:
Quiet and peace flow through your soul
until your voice is steady and even, with knowing and being fully known.
Quiet and peace be yours;
until your breathing slows to a long even pull and release of all that had held you captive today.
May quiet and peace overcome emotions remembered, painful days recalled, grief encountered.
God is calling you to come away to your quiet place, just for a few moments.
Feel the presence of Spirit holding you.
Honor the Son in prayer and actions.
Almost as silent, with your voice say. "abba, abba." And again.
Quiet and peace for you, my people.
May Quiet and peace flow gently through your soul.
Amen. . ><(((*>
Monday, May 16, 2005
Sunday Sermon Notes May 15, 2005
And They Will Know We Are Christian By Our Love
Do Christians have a “special” kind of love?
Lisa Simpson “I do not want to become a Methodist just because it is cool.”
What does this “look like” in real life terms?
This looks like embracing the difficult, even the impossible
This looks like one who acts differently,
primarily because this ones sees the world differently.
Samaritan: Good Vs Best
Background of Samaritans – the ones Jews did not expect – hated
Good Samaritan in Luke 10:30-36 Priest, Levite, Samaritan
36Which of these three, do you think, was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?” 37He said, “The one who showed him mercy.”
Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.”
Best Samaritan in Luke 17:11-19 Ten Lepers: One was a Samaritan
Maybe the Same Man
One Offering Mercy, Has Experienced Mercy
“They” will know followers of Christ …
by love born from an experience of forgiveness.
Who has the Power to do that?
Faith is Seeing, then Responding With Love
Priest, Levite, Samaritan see – Only one acted in Love.
Jesus Sees the Ten Lepers vs. 14 – Heals them
The Samaritan Sees that he was Healed – Offer Praise to God, Thanks Jesus
Story of the Orange Grove
Everybody is talking about Picking Oranges, but nobody actually is
Gratitude: A Sign of Faith vs. 19 Your Faith has made you well.
Faith is shown in the gratitude, not in the healing.
Everybody gets healing – Only a few show gratitude to God.
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Yes, this is the story about God creating in seven days. Read and enjoy!
Tuesday: Genesis 2.4-25 Second Creation Story
Yes, this is the story about God breathing creation into man and placing Adam in the garden. Out of Adam came Eve who was the perfect mate. Everything is really nice in the garden and all. Nice place, nice people, God is very good.
Wednesday: Psalm 89 God’s Covenant
Take a break from creation and go read a super Psalm about covenant. Covenant is really our underlying theme anyway for the next few weeks.
Thursday: Genesis 7-8 A Third Creation Story
Noah and the Ark is really a kind of third creation story. God does it all over again and tries to get it right this time. See what you think.
Friday: Romans 8 A Purpose for Creation
Paul the apostle writes to the church in Rome a letter where he attempts to share the real purpose for all creation. This is one of the most loved chapters in all the Bible. Isn’t the reason for salvation is more important than salvation.
Saturday: Genesis 1:1-31 God Creates
We get all caught up in how creation happened. Was it evolution or was it creationism? Did God just say the word or were there eons of slow process involved? Sometimes we get so weary of the arguments and speculation that we stop asking any more questions. Truth is we have been asking the wrong questions for a long time. I believe the right question is not how, but why? The right question is not when, but for what purpose? God created something very good. God created in love, for love. God created with a purpose. However it happened, God caused it. Period.
Now, deal with the love involved. Aahhh!
There is the big issue we have all been avoiding. And there is the sermon.
Sunday: Reflect and Worship
Sermon Scripture: Genesis 1:1-31
Sermon Title: “You Get What You Get”
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Notes From the Sunday Sermon for May 8, 2005
Proverbs 31.10-31 The Value of a Christian Home
Mothers Day Card – 5.99
One Dozen Roses – 37.00
Mother’s Day Brunch W/Family – 65.00
The Value of a Christian Home – Priceless
Consider the Woman in Proverbs 31
Consider the Woman’s Family, Husband, Children, Expectations
2005 Problems in the Family – Home – Worst Examples
Griswold Hose Fire
Family Locking up Daughter in CB
Kansas Woman who Murdered and Took Baby from Womb
What is the Value of a Christian Home – Priceless
Why do I think this?
Freedom to live and grow with out fear
Boundaries offer freedom – Like a playground fence
Discipline offers freedom – Discipline is for the Parents – Super Nanny
Children Know a Greater Love than their Parent’s Love
Offers Hope
Offers Courage
Offers Grace
This is love by example – Jesus did this
Cannot buy this Love and Freedom with:
New TV
Soccer Game or Chucky Cheese afterwards
New Cars
New Clothes
Not even Good Grades in School
Only from Judeo-Christian values offered through a loving family
Christians are not Perfect, We are on a Journey Towards Perfection.
The Christian Home is not for Sale – You cannot Buy What it Offers.
Mothers Day Card – 5.99
One Dozen Roses – 37.00
Mother’s Day Brunch W/Family – 65.00
The Value of a Christian Home – (Say it with me) Priceless
Monday, May 09, 2005
Random Thoughts
- I do not remember seeing the Soft Maple trees dropping so many seeds as this year. I could scoop them off my sidewalk and driveway. I call them helicopters, because they spin on the way to the ground. When I was a kid there was a way to put one in your mouth and use it for a whistle. For all I know they are poison or something, so don't try this. So why so many seeds this year? Any ideas? I'll ask Sharon Davis, she was a forestry major in college.
- We used to take a blade of tall grass between our thumbs and blow to make a whistle. I know grass is not poison. At least most of it.
- Put the garden in over the weekend. Planted white, yellow, and red onions. Planted broccoli and tomatoes. Planted carrots and radishes. Did not plant the beans, or the cucumbers, or the okra yet. They need more warm weather. When we do plant them they will just bust out in a couple days. Hard to be patient.
- The wrens have arrived and are making homes in the box at the garden and also considering the box on the patio. Last summer we had three broods in on the patio. They were a little messy at times, but were good company and talked to us every day.
- It was nice to have family home for mother's day. Tate and Issy (grandkids) are both growing so fast. Hope you all had a wonderful mother's day! We grilled some chicken and just relaxed.
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Praying on the Steps of City Hall
King Solomon asks God for wisdom before anything else. God is really pleased about this. I guess as a parent, I would have to say the same thing about one of my children. Enjoy reading this passage.
Tuesday: Proverbs 1 Wisdom Calls
Read about wisdom from an old text that still makes sense. I have noted this Hebrew word for wisdom is in the feminine case. Make your own conclusions. The real point is that wisdom is rare and should be highly valued.
Wednesday: Psalms 119:97-112 A Lamp Unto My Feet
Let the verse flow with the rhythm of your day. Have you experienced scripture being like candy? Have you wanted to just read and read; soaking up the wisdom from the Word of God? Reading the Psalms can be painful or wonderful. Sometimes it can be both at the same time.
Thursday: John 3:1-21 Nicodemus Visits With Jesus
How is it possible to be born a second time? Nicodemus was hearing Jesus talk but did not hear what Jesus was saying. What do you hear?
Friday: James 1 Difference Between Hearing and Doing
Read this passage from James and then sit and be quiet. Let the power of this passage sort of melt into your brain. Oh Yeah, you will come away calmer and richer for the experience. After hearing the Word, consider today’s path of acting out the essence of the Gospel message.
Saturday: Luke 17:11-19 The Ten Lepers
When life moves from pain to gain our response will express our focus. In this passage there were nine healed who did just as they were told; they went to see the priest. However, one Samaritan came back to thank Jesus for the transformation. Strange as it may seem Jesus wants us to think for ourselves. Even when is seems Jesus clearly tells us what to do, we must still discern the best way to proceed based on our own understandings. Our willingness to engage our brains is something God wants from us. You might like the idea of a God, a church, or even a church staff who hands you all the answers, but then you would never have to take responsibility for anything you do. The better way is to listen carefully as God offers our lives purpose, boundaries, and wisdom. Then our task is to plan every day as a blessing and offer our thanks and praise as we use our minds and our hearts to chart our path.
Sunday: Reflect and Worship
Scripture: Luke 17:11-19 Sermon Title: “The Best Samaritan”