Monday: Acts 13 Paul Preaches in Cyprus About Saul
Ok, Paul’s sermon is not exactly about Saul, but it does include king Saul and offers an overview of Saul’s place in the history. I also chose this passage because the Apostle Paul (New Testament) is also called Saul before his conversion experience. So, there is a King Saul in the Old Testament and a guy named Saul who later became Apostle Paul in the New Testament. I just wanted you to know before we get too far into this weeks readings.
Tuesday: 1 Samuel 8-9 The People Ask For A King
“When Samuel became old,” is where this passage starts. Samuel was almost a king. He almost acted like a king and the people respected him. He was however, not a king and the people wanted a king. God chose Saul to be the king and Samuel offers Saul the kingdom in secret.
Wednesday: 1 Samuel 10-11 Saul is Called By God
“Long live the King,” the people shouted. Samuel finishes offering Saul the kingdom. Saul goes a little nuts. I really like verse nine where it reads, “God gave him (Saul) another heart.” Two hearts are better than one. Or does this mean that his heart was replaced with a different heart at this point? I think so. I will be preaching Sunday from today’s readings. Saul is so very interesting and his life can be like a mirror for us if we are willing to look closely.
Thursday: 1 Samuel 12-13 Samuel Says Goodbye & Saul Finds Trouble
This passage has Samuel offering the story of God’s salvation which has come to the people over and over. Saul begins to reign and makes war with the nasty old Philistines. It seems Saul was guilty of sin and God has something to say about Saul’s lack of patience.
Friday: 1 Samuel 14-15 The War and Saul is Rejected Again
The war with the Philistines continues. Saul’s son Jonathan takes the lead and even old Samuel offers a victory to Saul. However, Saul cannot follow directions and has to learn the hard way that to obey God is better than a sacrifice to God. We find God instructing Saul to murder and Amalekites as problematic at best. And so we must deal with our differences in culture and metaphoric symbolism from Biblical times. The powerful message which remains clear however is a message of faithfulness to the Word of God.
Saturday: 1 Peter 2:1-10 The Lord Speaks to Samuel
We are instructed with pure spiritual milk. We are like infants feeding on the gospel which will surely offer strength and health for the days ahead. I once preached a sermon on this passage titled, “Free Beer Tomorrow.” So much of what the world offers under-whelms us. Finally there is a rock; a worthy King
Sunday: Reflect and Worship
Sermon Scripture: 1 Samuel 10:17-24
Sermon Title: “It’s All About Saul”
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