Monday, October 17, 2005

Scriptures Leading to Sunday October 23, 2005


Jeremiah 11-13          The Covenant Crumbles
This passage tells about the state of the covenant and finds Jeremiah and God both lamenting.  It finishes with some interesting little exile stories.
Jeremiah 17:5-18                       Trust in God
The prophet offers praise of God along with a pretty good picture of the heart of humanity.  
Jeremiah 18:1-6                   The Potter’s House
An allegory of the potter taking a lump of clay and forming a new vessel offers a vision of the new covenant which we will be reading this week.
Jeremiah 29, 31                       God Loves Us
Right here are the two reasons why I love to read Jeremiah.  These two chapters offer peace for our daily life.  I feel like God is caring for us.  I feel it!
Luke 14:15-35                      Dinner is Served
Jesus tells a story about a great dinner where lots of folks are invited but everyone has a reason why they will not attend.  Jesus turns this story back on to the guests gathered around that table, and ours.  The passage continues on to share the conditions of discipleship.  This is not an easy passage and sounds almost harsh.  We must hear and respond.
Jeremiah 31:27-34               The New Covenant
God offers by way of the prophet Jeremiah a vision of a new covenant.  The old covenant was based on the law and keeping the law.  This new covenant is based in grace and accepting God loving grace into our lives.  Big difference in game plans, big difference in the outcome.  One very interesting thing is that our lives have come nicely equipped for this new covenant plan of salvation by God’s grace.  God understands how we are wired.  This plan seems perfect.  But then; perfect is as perfect does.  

Sunday: Reflect and Worship
Scripture: Jeremiah 31:27-34     
Sermon Title: “Nicely Equipped”

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