Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Thoughts of Christmas 2005

The wee hand
reaches upward touching
the face of one
who has waited.

The smile,
at first hidden by
those questioning eyes,
finds a humble subject;
as a King might
discover those who
live to serve.

Spring approaches and
tears water barren fields,
sure to profit those
who wait.

Of all the days
offered and accepted,
this day is

Of all the days;
this day has

The sun,
the child,
the kiss.

- D.A. Weesner

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Daily Scripture Readings Leading to Sunday January 1, 2005

Daily Scripture Readings Leading to
Sunday January 01, 2006
Luke 18                  Parables of Hope
Todays reading is full of hope.  Jesus is very active in healing and blessing.

Romans 12           New Life in Christ
Here is a wonderful outline of the Christian life.  If we can live lilke this, our days will be happy and fruitful.  Good News.

Habakkuk 2:1-4                 God Replies
The Lord affirms there is still a vision for the appointed time.  Today is such a day.

Luke 13           The Mustard Seed
We begin three chapters all dealing with Jesus’ ministry and the hope he offers.  Read slowly and consider the different ways Luke offers Christ to the people.  We will read parables, healings, instructions, and some hard words we must ponder.

Luke 14               About Humility
The great dinner is a favorite passage of mine.  How many times have I refused the invitation?  How am I being invited today?

Luke 15       Parables of Lost & Found
This is a huge passage.  Not in size so much, but in it’s message.  Consider re-reading this chapter several times; I have.  See the progression of the lost items from one of many down to one of only two.  Note the care the lost receives in each story.  Also consider carefully the response of the older brother, the father, perhaps an unseen mother, certinally the prodigal son.  What does it mean to celelbrate what was lost and is found again.
I will be preaching about hope on this first Sunday of a new year.  These verses offer hope.  Flat out; if you are hopeless, you need this passage, this new year, this Jesus.  If you are filled with hope, then this will be fuel for your fire and let the celebration roll on into the new year.

Sunday:      Reflect and Worship
Scripture: Luke 13:22-30; 15:11-32
Sermon Title: “Hopeful in Council Bluffs”

Friday, December 16, 2005

A Prayer Written for the Songs of the Season Celebration

A Prayer Written for the Songs of the Season Celebration

Lord, It was a good decision to send your Son, Jesus.  And to send Jesus as a baby born in a manger was an even better idea.  Just a baby without any power, any money, any place to stay.  

We thank you dear God that you did not send our Savior of the world as a powerful King;
striking fear, wielding iron, causing innocent blood to be shed.  

If Jesus had come to the world as a warrior, none would be able to stand find grace for sin.  
We all surely would die for our transgressions, for our human-ness.  

A baby we can deal with, we can understand, we can love.  
We can approach a baby in a manger.  
We can rejoice with his dear young mother offering her life for the life of this child.
We can stand beside his sturdy father who protected what was not his, but listened when the angels spoke.
Yes Dear Lord, we can see ourselves among the shepherd, among the wise men, among the curious bystanders.

Thank You Dear Lord, that this child, this baby in the manger, would grow to become a King.
We thank you that this baby will grow to strike fear in the hearts of those who should know better;
We remember He will experience the wielding of iron;
That His life will cause His own innocent blood to be shed.

As we sing to you Lord, we remember the sacrifice, and we remember the new life offered.  

Lord, we sing our praise to you.  May you be most blessed.  


Thursday, December 15, 2005

SCRIPTURE READINGS Leading to Sunday Decembe 25, 2005

SCRIPTURE READINGS for Sunday December 25, 2005

Luke 1                                       Jesus Family
Luke is writing a careful and accurate account of the ministry of Jesus the Christ.  We start with John the Baptist and gain an understanding of Jesus’ extended family relationships.
Luke 2                      The Birth of Christ
Do not be afraid.  Read on about the birth of Jesus and his life as a child.
Matthew 1:18-2:23              Matthew’s Version
From the Birth to the Wise Men to Herod’s murder of the children, we read the beginning of the Good News from another point of view.
Isaiah 9:1-7                   Vision of a Savior
Light and life are predicted by Isaiah.  Read what Isaiah says the Christ will accomplish.  
Philippians 3:1-4:7                    Press On
The baby has accomplished Isaiah’s predictions.  Paul offers proof and power for living.
Luke 2:1-20             Again, The Birth of Christ     
Consider that this new birth, the baby Jesus, is a offering of God to the world.  Creation is enhanced, a new version of the old program has been introduced into the world.  Above the groans of a world filled with pain and trouble sings this new song of hope and peace.  We can almost feel the power of the radiant birth.  The child with this humble beginning is the high King of Heaven and we are all the subjects of this new reality.  Everything is new.  Words fail us, yet even the animals understand what cannot be spoken.  In one miracle followed by another we open our hearts and sing forth the glory of the promise which this new birth brings to the broken world.  Every song sings life.  Only, always life.

Sunday: Reflect and Worship
Scripture: Luke 2:1-20     
Sermon Title: “Songs of Life”

Monday, December 05, 2005

Daily Readings Leading to Sunday December 11, 2005

Isaiah 60:1-5                       Celebrate the Messiah
Arise, shine.  Think shepherds in the field.
Isaiah 60:19-22                            Everlasting Light
This is one strong promise for all time.
John 8              Jesus is the Light of the World
Much is packed into just a few verses.  From the story of the woman caught in adultery to Jesus foretelling his own death this passage moves in and out of our focus on the Christmas season.
John 9                            Healing of the Blind Man
Jesus heals a man born blind.  The religious leaders then unceremoniously toss the man out of the temple.  They are outraged that Jesus would heal this man on a Sabbath.  The cause and effect assumption is that any physical ailment must be a result of sin.  So these religious leaders conclude what Jesus has done by this healing is to forgive sin.  What is so odd about this passage is that the leaders were right but did not know it; Jesus does have the power to forgive sin.  I will be using this text on Sunday and hope you will take some time to consider this powerful story.  Read about the parents who are ready to deny almost anything out of fear for the power of the religious elite.  Read about the compassion of Christ as he encounters the man born blind a second time.  Read about the honesty of the man born blind who proclaimed simply, “Lord, I believe.”   Now, think Christmas!
John 10                               The Good Shepherd
This three chapter reading from the gospel of John concludes with Jesus offering that he is the “good shepherd.”  Still, Jesus is rejected by the religious leaders.  Think about Christmas again.
1 John 1:5-2:17                    God is Light
Paul speaks clearly of Jesus’ mission; It fits nicely and is powerful in a Christmas context!

Sunday: Reflect and Worship
Scripture: John 8:12, 9:1-41     
Sermon Title: “Light of the World”