Monday, December 05, 2005

Daily Readings Leading to Sunday December 11, 2005

Isaiah 60:1-5                       Celebrate the Messiah
Arise, shine.  Think shepherds in the field.
Isaiah 60:19-22                            Everlasting Light
This is one strong promise for all time.
John 8              Jesus is the Light of the World
Much is packed into just a few verses.  From the story of the woman caught in adultery to Jesus foretelling his own death this passage moves in and out of our focus on the Christmas season.
John 9                            Healing of the Blind Man
Jesus heals a man born blind.  The religious leaders then unceremoniously toss the man out of the temple.  They are outraged that Jesus would heal this man on a Sabbath.  The cause and effect assumption is that any physical ailment must be a result of sin.  So these religious leaders conclude what Jesus has done by this healing is to forgive sin.  What is so odd about this passage is that the leaders were right but did not know it; Jesus does have the power to forgive sin.  I will be using this text on Sunday and hope you will take some time to consider this powerful story.  Read about the parents who are ready to deny almost anything out of fear for the power of the religious elite.  Read about the compassion of Christ as he encounters the man born blind a second time.  Read about the honesty of the man born blind who proclaimed simply, “Lord, I believe.”   Now, think Christmas!
John 10                               The Good Shepherd
This three chapter reading from the gospel of John concludes with Jesus offering that he is the “good shepherd.”  Still, Jesus is rejected by the religious leaders.  Think about Christmas again.
1 John 1:5-2:17                    God is Light
Paul speaks clearly of Jesus’ mission; It fits nicely and is powerful in a Christmas context!

Sunday: Reflect and Worship
Scripture: John 8:12, 9:1-41     
Sermon Title: “Light of the World”

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