Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Daily Scripture Readings

Daily Scripture Readings Leading to Sunday April 23, 2006

1 John 1:1-4 In the Beginning
Consider these words as a new beginning. Easter is our first day toward a new life in Christ. This passage is a great place to start.

John 20:19-23 Jesus Appears to the Disciples
John offers the events of the first days. Notice how many times Jesus offers peace to the disciples. This must be very important.

Psalms 133 Joy in Family
Hey this is one of the shortest Psalms. You have time to read this one. It is only three verses. However, they are mighty. READ IT!!

John 20:24-31 Doubting Thomas
The disciple named Thomas has some doubts and wants to see for himself before he will believe. How many times have I wanted the same thing from God before I would believe and trust? I fear it is too many to count. Thomas is one of us.

Acts 4:32-35 Sharing Our Possessions
Disciples act as one body in the use of their possessions. Even today we share with others out of the blessings God offers to us, so that all might see and know the goodness of our God. Share so that not one of us might boast of our individual achievements. The goal is one heart, one soul.

1 John 1:5-2:2 Lessons on Sin
God is light, there is no part without light in God. Meditate on this idea of God as being totally pure and holy. When or as we connect with God we also partake or become holy.
The passage is clear we all sin. Equally clear is God’s Justifying grace offered through the blood of Jesus to cleans us from all sin.
How do we do this? What do we need to carry with us on our life journey to accomplish the task of living a life in grace? Focus on only today and consider your needs. Lets start there.

Sunday: Reflect and Worship
Scripture: John 1:1-2:2
Sermon Title:
“Nobody Said It Was Going To Be Easy”

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