Scripture Readings Leading to
Sunday September 24, 2006
Ezekiel 37:1-14 The Valley of Dry Bones
Luke 8:4-15, 22-56 Teaching and Healing
One of the most amazing events in our lives is to experience a re-birth of something or someone left for dead. Crushed, but not defeated were the words of Apostle Paul from our reading just two weeks ago. It is one thing to be in the presence of one who is riding high, on top of the world, and has it all going their way. It is entirely another thing to feel the power of one who was lost, but now is found; was blind, but now can see. God’s grace which leads to the new life of re-birth is always amazing. I believe real worship happens when we yearn to feel God’s healing presence and witness to this Spirit in our midst. I want that worship for me, and for you.
I am blessed to pass on a little piece I received this week on Jorge Acevedo, Pastor of Grace Church in Cape Coral and Olga Fort Myers Shores, Florida ( While we were experiencing a huge Sunday here at Salem last week with 479 people gathering for worship Pastor Acevedo was in the midst of an old fashioned two hour tent revival at his church in Florida with about 1700 folks. Read on as he describes how the Spirit moved in new lives.
“After I preached, Matthew West sang "History" while 50 people transformed by Jesus walked to the center of the stage and held up a placard with a few words describing their life before Christ and then flipping it over with a few words describing their new life in Christ. The most memorable one for me was Eugene's. His old life sign said "Guilty, D65379." This was his prisoner number. Eugene spent 11 years in prison. Then he flipped it and it read "Not Guilty. Romans 3:24" Our people went crazy. Then Matthew West transitioned into his song "Only Grace." The 50 people holding the placards stood in front of the congregation holding up their signs. Tears flowed all over the tent. Our people got it. They saw what is at stake….”
We may want to think that this passage from Ezekiel is just a long ago story about some bones in a forgotten place. We may try to even deny the power that the Gospel offers. But the truth is that this is our story about our lives. What does your placard say? Are you willing to hold it high for others to see? It is good for us to know that God is at work all over the kingdom as well as right here in our hearts. As we move forward into that closer walk with our Savior, we find that our dead lives are being put right and healed. And that my friends moves us all just a little closer to home. Blessings, Dave Weesner
Sunday Worship
Scripture: Ezekiel 37:1-14
Sermon Title: “Thus Says the Lord”
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