Scripture Readings Leading to
Sunday January 14, 2007
1 Timothy 6 Some Final Directions for Timothy
I hope this sermon is different. When I have spoken about financial issues in the past, there has been a lot of anxiety. It seems many church members do not care to hear about Biblical standards as they relate to our personal finances. Guilt appears written over many faces and I usually hear some comments asking that I not speak about money ever again. Gee, I thought my job was to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. However, this particular topic pulls folks through the cracks of both of those definitions to the point where we are neither afflicted nor comfortable. We as a society are so private with our money, it is so sacred, that we may feel violated if a sermon even refers to the subject. Yet this is my task. I hope this sermon is different.
As a society we are in financial ruin. Bankruptcies have increased to a crisis level. In 2005 the largest increase was in young families under the age of 35. School loans, car loans, home loans, credit cards, high interest and child care issues all combine to put every young family at risk. Even the very best money managers struggle to make ends meet and keep their financial heads above water. Some young families work two, three, or even four jobs and still fall further behind.
Our society does not reward and empower savings, only spending. In 2005 the average US household spent 122% of every dollar it made. The balance goes on credit with little hope of every paying off the entire balance. How do we begin to find a financial fresh start in the midst of this reality? I believe we must get back to basics. We must re-learn fruitful and God honoring concepts about money. We must gain a fresh understanding of our role as managers of God’s resources. We are not the owners, we are the managers. We have been acting as if we own the money flowing through our bank accounts. We must put God in God’s rightful place. We will then see ourselves as the caretaker of God’s resources. This shift allows us to focus towards our financial future with hope and moves us all just a little closer to home.
Blessings, Dave Weesner
Sunday Worship
Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:6-10, 17-19
Sermon Title: “Financial Fresh Start”
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