Thursday, February 01, 2007

Thoughts for February 18, 2007

Scripture Readings Leading to
Sunday February 18, 2007

Galatians 5               The Nature of Freedom in Christ               

Most people can’t close the deal.  I am not sure if we can’t, won’t or just plain don’t. Anyway you cut it the same thing happens; that great project we started with such promise and enthusiasm ends up on the shelf two months later.  There it will stay for a long, long time until we finally clean out and pitch it all together.  Guilt and shame are human by products of our failed attempts at change.  

To finish strong is always a good goal.  I always look to see if the runner breaks through the tape at the finish line with energy.  Sometimes to simply finish is the goal.  Other times it is heroic enough to begin the journey of change.  However even then there is always a hint of, what if I can finish?  And better yet, what if I finish strong and refreshed?  The other night at youth group when the conversation turned to whether the glass was half full or half empty, one bright lad responded, “Hey both glasses have water in them, get over it already.”   He was able to move beyond the discussion of possibility to the facts of the reality.  We should do the same.  To whine and pine about what might be possible is to waste precious energy needed to finish fresh.

God offers freedom to finish, energy to run the tape, and wisdom to close the deal.  God offers the glass that has water.  It may be half-full or half-empty.  But the point is that God offers what is needed to accomplish the task at hand.  Simply put, “There is water in your glass.”  When we believe this with such conviction that we can offer those who appear lost a drink from our glass, we will have born fruit of the Spirit which lives in us.  We are free to love our neighbor as ourselves.  We are free to become salves to one another.  At that point the deal is closed and the victory won.  Every fresh start become a finish line crossed.  And every step on our journey toward wholeness in Christ is a fresh start moving us just a little closer to home.  See you Sunday!
Blessings, Dave Weesner
Sunday Worship
Scripture: Galatians 5:1, 13-14
Sermon Title: “Finishing Fresh”

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