Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Scripture Readings Leading to July 29, 2007

John 4:1- 42 The Woman at the Well
The woman at the well did not expect grace. We never do. The woman at the well did not expect a messiah. Nor do we. The woman at the well did not expect cool water to quench her thirst. To drink deeply and be satisfied is a Spiritual experience. How does your life align with this woman? Do you understand her needs, her fears? Jesus understood.

In Luke’s gospel Jesus turned water into wine. In this passage John recalls Jesus turning water into a transformed life. Our lives are also transformed by the love and grace of Jesus Christ who calls us to the well just a little closer to home.
Blessings, Dave Weesner

Sunday Worship
Scripture: John 4:7-15
Sermon Title: “Cool Water”

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