Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Scripture Readings Leading to Sunday April 06, 2008

Read: Luke 24 Walk to Emmaus

Take a walk with Jesus. Visit with Jesus about the days events. Discuss the high and low points. Listen as he offers the story of life once more. Feel peace in our soul as never before. Walk and talk, share and listen.

Only you did not know it was Jesus while you were walking. You assumed it was another traveler, searching for the better part, just like you. You had not considered the person, only your personal feelings of despair, weariness, and frustration. You did not look in the face of the man, only listened, as he shared the stories of hope and courage. How could you have been so blind, so self-consumed? And yet, it was the Christ who had been walking with you all along.

The reason this story pulls at our hearts is that it is also our story. We have been the one walking toward home, full of self-pity and complaints. We have missed the presence of the risen Lord. And for what? You see, I believe God has more waiting for us than we could ever imagine if we only dared to look. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you.

Consider the story differently. What if the traveler noticed the face, recognized the voice, and remembered the stories? What if he understood this was God, rejoiced, and worshiped. What if the travelers’ spirit was renewed in the full presence of Jesus? How might the story have taken on even more meaning and power? Perhaps that is the point. We have the opportunity of a lifetime right before us, which can move us just a little closer to home.

Sunday Worship
Scripture: Luke 24:13-35
Sermon Title: “Opportunity of a Lifetime”

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