Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Notes for Sunday May 24, 2009

Read: Luke 24:44-53 Ascension Sunday

I trust you all had a wonderful Easter celebration and are enjoying the spring weather I am sending you. I am encouraged by all I see happening among you in my name.

I thought a little update since I last wrote you might be in order:

Since the ascension I have been hanging out here with the Father doing a lot of remedial kind of work. As much as you may think there has been a lot of water under the bridge, and things have changed, I have to say most of that change is on your side of the river. Here in heaven it is pretty much business as usual and overall business has been good.

I know that I left you all in a pretty big hurry and some of you are still hurting about the fact that I cannot be physically with you all the time. I am, however, with you in Spirit which is perhaps an even a better thing for all of us in the long run. In the short term consider ways we can be in communication throughout every day. I am really open to visiting with you when ever you have time.

Most of my time here is currently taken up with worship. As I think about it, worship has taken up most of the last 2000 years. We have had some excellent times of powerful worship. Sometimes I even get to singing and waving my hands in the air to join in the chorus. But that is for another day.

Right now I want to share that you are my hands and feet. Your willingness to reach out to the people in your neighborhood is quite important. Please know that I will go with you and even speak a quiet word to you about where to go and how to speak. I want the best for you, but also for the others who do not yet know me. I know this may leave you feeling stuck in the middle, but this was the plan I was given by the Father, and it has worked out good so far with many others before you.

The future is not to be revealed to you, but if you could see what I see for the future, you would follow with all your heart. Do not be scared by this; because nothing can harm you while you are with me and I am with you. Thanks again for all you are doing. Hold me in prayer as I hold you.


Scripture: Luke 24:44-53
Sermon: “Mixed Feelings”

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