Monday, November 29, 2010

The Path More Traveled

Robert Frost said something like this: Two paths diverged into the woods, and I took the one less traveled and it has made all the difference."  These words have inspired me and instructed me to do things like take a light plane ride to fly around the top of Denali, to ride my bicycle across the state of Iowa, and even to follow a call into ministry.  Many times I have taken a path less traveled and found something inspiration and renewal just around the bend or rise beyond my vision.
However, as of late I have been thinking about the fact that for all the hoopla about these private and personal paths, I always seem to find myself ending up in the midst of community.  It is like the path I think is less traveled is actually the path everyone else is on as well, it just seems less frequented somehow until the community is revealed.  Or perhaps all paths lead home or at least back to the main road and before I know it, I am in the midst of the well worn path again moving along with fellowship and new responsibilities. 

We Americans are a fragile bunch, we need to think we are rugged indivudulalist even when we are not.  I sold my Jeep when we moved to Des Moines.  I miss it.  Even more, I miss the idea I can just cut across any old beanfield if I really needed.  Don't think the Prius rental ..., well, never mind.  The point is that I very seldom ever used the very freedom I seemed to think I needed.  Every Jeep comercial I see reminds me, as I watch a 60K SUV bounce through rivers and across rocks as if.  It is just an illusion I tell you, this need for my personal independence.  I do not need the road less taken.  Never did.

Maybe I am just getting older and this is all a part of that maturing thing.  Or maybe I am on to something and we all need to get off our rocking horses and begin to walk with each other for a mile or two.  We really need to begin to rethink the power of the connection. Being alone is never a word of creation.  The relationship is transformative.

No, these days I am into taking the road more traveled.   In the midst of the well traveled road is where life happens.  This is not about comfort, or even ease of travel.  Rather this is about being with other people.  Hard as this is to consider, even harder to believe, I need other people.  As pretty as a mountian view may be, I must find ways to share it with fellow travelers; and that has made all the diference.

1 comment:

Dave C said...

Good insights, Dave. In recent years I have been wondering if it traveling the less choosen path or traveling the common one differently; kind like the salmon swimming upstream. Just a thought. JC didn't wander where there were few to more people. He traveled with the masses, just differently. Thanks for the inspiration.