The young woman lowered her voice as if asking a very difficult question, "So what are your personal goals with your job?" "Well, umm," I said as I searched my thoughts for a goal worthy of the earnetness of the inquirey. Sometimes I like to joke around and play off the moment, but not this time. So I motioned her to come closer and I spoke in a low and solomn tone. "I am a subversive; my goal is to make disciples for Jesus Christ. Most of the time I just do stuff that looks like I am doing church work, pays the bills, you know."
She physically backed away as if I had some smelling salts in my pocket. Then she smiled and offered a glimmer of understanding. Then came her next question, "How do you communicate that with the people you work with?" My answer was honest and lacking, "Not very well." She encouraged me to continue to blog, tweet, and facebook. "It is the way we communicate these days." It was good to focus on one thing and know it is of ultimate importance for me and this young woman.
Everyone is so busy and on thier way someplace.Where are you headed? What are your personal goals? Are you following the crowd or going the wrong way?
Most of the time I feel like I am going the wrong way when in fact I am going the right way...because it is the way that I am going, the way that God chose me to go. Most of the time I just do things without thought because it is so natural, so much a part of who I am. I liked your answers, Dave. Food for thought for her, for sure. Where am I headed? I have no clue, but I keep putting one foot in front of the other going forward. What are my goals...to live my life in such a way that reflects God's love and leaves a mark of some kind on those who come across my path. I am definitely not a crowd follower...and going the wrong way? I certainly hope not! I so enjoy your random thoughts. Keep them coming.
There was a time I was goal oriented. Not so much anymore as I am on incapacity leave with the UMC. Basic goals continue and others modified.
1. Please God
2. Serve Gods people.
3. Preach more often yet not under my control.
4. Get to Iowa 3/4 times a year.
5. Setting goals is someting DS's desire in the West Ohio Conference,for church,clergy,personal health.
Do not have a church since 2003 yet do what I can for the multiple sclerosis community. Did a wedding two weeks ago,a funeral last week and two weddings next week. Do what I can,when I can.
5.In setting goals we may miss the immediate opportunities to serve God if we are always looking forward rather than the needs the are right now.
Blessings to you all,
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