Thursday, January 26, 2006

Daily Scripture Read for Sunday February 5, 2006

Daily Scripture Readings Leading to Sunday February 05, 2006
Zechariah 9:9-10                  The Messianic King
If we can answer one question, then I think we have a chance of understanding God’s plan for our lives.  And the question is, “Who is Jesus Christ?”

1 Corinthians 3                      We Belong to Christ
One the big flaps in the church in Corinth, and the reason for Paul sending a couple letters to them, was this issue of who was in charge.  Some say they follow one fellow, some say they follow another.  Paul offers that we all follow Christ.  Period.

John 1:1-5                                     In the Beginning
This is perhaps the most beautiful passage in all of scripture.  At least I find it to be the most poetic to my senses.  John has pretty well summed up the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in these five verses.  However he does this in a different way than we normally expect.  Our Western educated upbringing searches for facts and formulas to prove who Christ is or is not.  But John gives us a poem.  I suggest that there is no less truth in a poem than in a mathematical theory.  There is no less fact in a metaphor than in a standard equation.  This passage is like a picture; worth a thousand words.  Who has the authority to forgive sin?  Who has the authority to lead our daily lives?  Who has the authority to offer eternal life?  The answer is in the beginning.  And that is one question of truth mathematics alone will not answer.

John 1:6-34               Life With John the Baptizer
Jesus has a cousin named John (not the author of this gospel.)  John also was called by God for a very specific ministry.  John’s prophetic voice identifies Christ for us.

John 1:35-42                  Jesus, Simon and Andrew
A set of brothers is called to follow Jesus and names Jesus correctly.  Notice the reoccurring phrase, “the next day.”

John 1:36-51             Jesus, Philip and Nathanael
Once again Jesus is named by a set of brothers.  

Sunday:      Reflect and Worship
Scripture: John 1:1-5
Sermon Title: “Authority Always Wins”

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