Monday, January 02, 2006

Daily Scripture Readings Leading to Sunday January 15, 2006

Daily Scripture Readings Leading to
Sunday January 15, 2006
Ezekiel 34:1-31            God is the Good Shepherd
A “must read” to understand Jesus as Shepherd.

Ephesians 2                    New Life in Christ
From death to life is the kingdom path.  Funny, that is just the opposite of our earthly lives.

Mark 1                                         Jesus Begins
From John the Baptist to Jesus’ early activity, Mark tells only the basic, important details.  Be sure and read some background on the book of Mark.  This is thought to be the first or earliest gospel written.

Mark 2                      Early Days of Ministry
Begin to notice how Jesus is always acting out his ministry, not only talking.  He is also verbally attacked for his actions.  When was the last time you were attatcked for doing something?  Anything.  Seems the gospel is always asking us to take risks for which we may have to pay some kind of price.  If you have never been attacked, perhaps you need to consider following Christ a little more boldly.  And if you find yourself verbly attacking someone for their actions; well there is a sermon here also.
Mark 3                                 Deal or no Deal
Jesus chooses the disciples and changes the definition of family for all of us.

Mark 4 - 5                         Jesus Acting Like Jesus
Now we are deep into Jesus acting like God and folks really responding.  This teaching in parables thing must have been wild.  I mean today we try to communicate as clearly as possible and here is God hiding what  He is saying.  The few He has chosen have to get a remedial class to figure out what He is trying to say.  Of course they don’t really get it anyway.  There is always this outsider/insider thing in Marks account of Jesus ministry.  
Another curious thing is the insiders are really the outsiders and vice versa.  Perhaps this is still true today as I see a lot of non-church folks who really get after caring for their neighbors needs.  Then I look and see a bunch of church folks complaining and even arguing about issues which really don’t add to very much in the Kingdom of God.  Maybe we need to be acting up a little more than we do.  

Sunday:      Reflect and Worship
Scripture: Mark 4:1-9, 26-41
Sermon Title: “Acting Up”

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