Monday: Daniel 12:1-13 The Resurrection of the Dead
Old Testament imagery in this passage offers us a vision of the angel of God, Michael, leading into a Spiritual battle with truth and knowledge as his weapons. This is a deep passage with disputed meanings however we can be clear that people of all times and places have pondered and questioned the timing of the resurrection of the dead. Can you find a couple of lasting promises in this passage?
Tuesday: Romans 6:1-23 Dying and Rising with Christ
In the letter to the church in Rome Paul encourages us to go beyond the sin in our lives and live as children worthy of the coming kingdom. When reading about sin, attempt to understand sin as a process or force that oppresses and overtakes our lives. Our modern thought has narrowly defined sin as an action or single occurring thought or deed of our person. So then, Paul is asking us to change our lives or situations completely in order to defeat sin, not just abstain from one particular instance of weakness. Does this make sense?
Wednesday: Hebrews 6:1-12 Peril of Falling Away
Here the author is firm that we should not “plow the same ground over and over.” We must grow and move on in our faith by standing on the promises and reaching for the next level of sacrificial service.
Thursday: Philippians 3:7-4:1 Pressing Toward the Goal
This is a powerful and recognizable passage which encourages us to keep moving toward our goal in Christ Jesus. To be found in faith and love with the power of resurrection is an ultimate prize. Paul uses sports imagery to help us understand the needs of our ongoing relationship with God.
Friday: 2 Timothy 2:14-26 Approved By God
Find in this passage some very specific instructions on the way in which we should continue to grow. The word picture of our lives as household utensils and our usefulness in the Kingdom of God is powerful and helpful.
Saturday: 1 Corinthians 15 Resurrection from the Dead
This Chapter at the end of the letter contains the meat of the message. The Apostle Paul is clear that the resurrection from the dead is a reality not only for Christ Jesus, but also for those who follow him in faith. However, we must not assume some quasi-wishy-washy position of appearing to have already attained this status of perfection. Our personal resurrection will occur following Christ’s resurrection. While we may have a mere reflection of the resurrection in our lives today, we must remember that our fullness in Christ will only occur when we will have died in a death like his and then be raised in a life like his. Therefore we must continue to push on toward the greater goal of perfection and sanctification in this life so that we will be worthy of the perfection in the next. This is not so that we might boast in our good works and deeds for only God is good, however, our willingness to continue to fight the good fight with grace and love is a sign and witness of our faith in that final resurrection for which we cannot see at this time.
Sunday: Reflect and Worship
Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:12-19
Sermon Title: “Some Answers About Your Resurrection”
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