Monday: 1 Samuel 3 Samuel’s Calling
It was not so much that Samuel could not hear the Lord, as it was that he did not understand that is was the Lord who was calling. Poor old Eli did not get any sleep at all that night until he realized the Lord must be calling to Samuel and instructed him on how to respond. Good lesson for us as well.
Tuesday: 2 Corinthians 5 New Creation
Especially center your thoughts today on verse 17. Remember the first time you rode a Ferris Wheel and the whole world changed before your eyes. In reality nothing had changed but your perspective. But in a deeper sense, everything had changed because of the way you would view the world from that moment forward. So it is for each of us with new life in Christ.
Wednesday: Psalm 37 Providence In God
Find the dictionary and look up the word providence. Mine shows the meaning as God acting on our behalf into the future. To trust in the providence of God is a step in faith for each of us. Is God really acting on our behalf today for what is going to be taking place tomorrow? If I gather all the pieces of the puzzle of life and look at the whole picture, it seems like it is so.
Thursday: 1 Thessalonians 5.23 Encouragement for Timothy
Oh, just read the whole book, it is only three pages. When you get to this beautiful final benediction, pray this out loud replacing you with me and your with my. Pray this way several times taking several minutes to just be. Cool.
Friday: Luke 11:9-13 Good Gifts
A good thought to keep in mind as we go about our day!!
Saturday: Isaiah 55 An Invitation to Abundant Life
We believe in what we see. We see the trees leafing out and beginning to take on their summer shapes. We see the emergence of new animals; baby birds, puppies, kittens, and new baby calves playing in the fields covered with a new carpet of green. Everywhere we look there is something to see, and it is new. Perhaps regenerated or renewed would be better words than new. As I consider this newness; I find everything new sprouts from or is born of something not so new. Sometimes new comes from old, even at times from something dead. Dead; jeepers creepers, can life spring forth from death? With a loud shout I yell out to no one listening, “I would like to see that!” Here in this passage the prophet calls us to look beyond what we can see. We are called to hope and dream, even believe, in that which we cannot see. All the Lord has spoken will come to pass, whether it is a visible creation or a yet unseen, perhaps unknowable movement of God’s. The Good News is that either way both are real and will succeed in that for which they are purposed.
Sunday: Reflect and Worship
Sermon Scripture: Isaiah 55.10-11
Sermon Title: “From Rain to Bread: Trusting What We Can Not See”
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